Vegetable Crunch Dip with Romaine Scoops

by Brennans Market Admin

Serving Size: Serves 4-8


2-3 heads Romaine

4 stalks celery

4 small ears sweet corn or 2 cups frozen corn

4 Tablespoons Brennan’s Cellars Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 Tablespoons Herbs de Provence or Italian Seasonings

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

1 yellow bell pepper

1 orange bell pepper

2/3 cup crumbled feta cheese

Adapted From: T&A Artisan Lettuce

This dip is flavorful and has no added guilt of chips since you use lettuce as the scoop.

Wash lettuce and tear leaves from head.

Remove corn from ears. Clean, top and tail celery. Dice into small pieces. Place celery and corn in large skillet. Drizzle olive oil over celery and corn, and heat on medium-high. Stirring constantly add salt, pepper, and herbs. Saute 4-5 minutes. Add diced peppers and saute 1 minute. Remove from heat and add feta cheese. Stir and place in bowl or garnish each romaine leaf with dip.

Cooks note: To add a bit of spice, add ¼ teaspoon chipotle in adobo sauce or ½ finely chopped chipotle peppers in adobo.